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Wildlife Photography - TEKFX

A collection of images from Ontario based amateur Wildlife Photographer, Bill McDonald

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I have setup this opening page as a highlight feature for images that I have taken since the beginning of September, essentially since the beginning of Fall (Sept 1st - Oct 8th, 2024). All of the images were taken in this part of south west Ontario  ...  in no particular order. Hover over any image for description and Click to open (larger size).     Also, don't forget to check out my blog at ...

Male American Redstart

Bay-breasted Warbler in fall colours

Black & White Warbler

Black-throated Green Warbler

Blue Jay

Cape May Warbler in Fall plumage

American Pipit

Common Yellowthroat

Red-bellied Woodpecker

An early winter visitor ... a Dark-eyed Junco

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Hermit Thrush

Lincoln's Sparrow

Magnolia Warbler in fall plumage ... affectionally known as a "Maggie"

Swainson's Thrush

Nashville Warbler in Fall plumage

Female Northern Cardinal

Orange-crowned Warbler in fall plumage

Palm Warbler in fall plumage

Praying Mantis

Scarlet & Green Leafhopper

Viceroy Butterfly

Tennessee Warbler in fall plumage

a "cute" Turkey Vulture

Yellow-rumped Warbler, known affectionaly as a "Butter Butt"

Copyright Bill McDonald © 2012 - 2022 All Rights Reserved

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